Individual Learning
Join our comprehensive training course designed for women entrepreneurs. Launch any module, anytime, from anywhere!
Hours per module
Empower your entrepreneurial journey at no cost
Unparalleled content and practical knowledge
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Who the course is designed
for and who will benefit

Women Entrepreneurs of
Early Stage Startups
As you have already embarked on an entrepreneurial journey, gain an overarching framework and structured guidance on how to evaluate opportunities, manage and grow your startup business, finance new ventures, and maximize social and environmental impact. ​
Women and Girls,
Aspiring Entrepreneurs
As you are exploring entrepreneurship to launch a startup business or join a startup as a co-founder, or a member of a team, learn the fundamentals of startup business and how it can make a positive impact on people and planet.​

Course Outline

Innovation, design thinking, ideation, prototyping 
Ecosystem, stakeholders, supportive network, valuable partnerships
Proof of concept, a minimum viable product
Key metrics and KPIs, revenue models, pricing strategies
Social impact mission, vision and values statements
Impact modeling, data analytics, theory of change, SDG impact 
Business models for sustainability and social impact
Brand identity, marketing and sales strategy for sustainability and social impact
Leadership styles, building and leading effective teams for impact
Fundraising and financing strategies, negotiations, gender bias of investors


Module 1: Design Thinking and Innovation – Ideation
14 hours
  1. Understanding the principles of design thinking while engaging in divergent/convergent thinking to empathise with your users and define their problem.
  2. Understand the concept of innovation and learn/apply various ideation tools for generating solution ideas while enhancing the process with the help of generative AI.
  3. Apply design tools to evaluate and select ideas, while formulating a problem-solution fit statement
Module 2: Design Thinking and Innovation - Prototyping and Building a MVP
15 hours
  1. Understand the difference between a prototype and an MVP and apply agile prototyping methods to visualize and test ideas.
  2. Develop proof of concept to validate the feasibility and learn how to determine the core features of your solution.
  3. Incorporate user feedback and iteration into prototyping to refine problem-solution fit to attain product-market fit.
Module 3: Developing & Communicating Mission, Vision & Values for Social Impact
11 hours
  1. Understand the importance of a Vision and Mission Statement for Social Impact
  2. Connecting Vision and Mission Statement to the Values of a company, and applying the knowledge with relevant tools
  3. Communicate the core (mission, vision, values) of a social enterprise through storytelling
Module 4: Business Modelling for Social Impact
10 hours
  1. Understand business models for sustainability and social impact
  2. Identifying social impact opportunities in the business model and understanding different revenue models for social impact.
  3. Ethics in realising Sustainability and Social Impact Missions.
Module 5: Building and Leading Effective Teams
13 hours
  1. Understand team building, dynamics and fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity.
  2. Understand leadership styles that are particularly effective in impact-driven work.
  3. Understand and implement forward-thinking HR practices that contribute to a positive and productive work environment.
Module 6: Ecosystems & Partnerships
10 hours
  1. Understand an ecosystem's perspective for engaging with stakeholders.
  2. Understand legal considerations in social impact entrepreneurship.
  3. Learn how to build a supportive network with valuable partnerships.
Module 7: Financial Modelling
10 hours
  1. Understanding different revenue models for pricing strategies to assess their implications.
  2. Identify the most critical assumptions underlying your business plan, and be precise about those assumptions using the Business Model Delta tool.
  3. Understanding the key metrics and KPIs that are important for investors.
Module 8: Impact Modelling
10 hours
  1. Learn fundamentals of impact modelling (different types of models: ToC, SDGs etc.)
  2. Use data analytics for Impact Measurement and SDG progress tracking.
  3. Applying Impact Modelling in Decision Making
Module 9: Marketing & Sales for Social Impact
10 hours
  1. Develop a strong brand identity, building on your social mission statement, to stand out from competitors.
  2. Create a marketing strategy for sustainability and social impact.
  3. Create a sales strategy for sustainability and social impact.
Module 10: Fundraising for and Financing Social Impact
10 hours
  1. Explore funding options and ownership structures for sustainability and social impact startups.
  2. Learn how to negotiate and navigate biases in the field.
  3. Prepare to pitch for funding, manage investor relationships, and addressing gender bias of investors.



LauncHER individual learning is a self pace offer. To complete each module, the learner will require 10-15 hours of time commitment to study.

LauncHER individual learning is asynchronous. There will be no specific start and end dates. A Learner can take any module, any time, and complete it within the timeframe desired.

No. Certificate will be provided only for synchronous/group course.

No. Alumni status will be offered to the learners in synchronous/group course only, who will complete the full program.

No. Post program prizes and perks will be offered to the Alumni of the synchronous/ group course.

No. The interactive learning will be offered to the learners in the synchronous/group course.

Yes, there will be assignemnts for individual learning. 

 Individual (Asynchronous)Group (Synchronous)
Number of ModulesLearner can take any number of modulesLearner must take all 10 modules
Duration, Start-End datesDoesn’t have specific start and end datesCohort lasts for 20 weeks and has specific start and end dates for the program as well as each module
Time Commitment10 -15  hours per module10-15 hours per module and up to 100 hours for the entire Course
Mode of studyLearner studies individuallyLearner studies individually, as part of a cohort of 300 learners
InteractionThere is no interaction with other learnersThere are interactions within the larger cohort and a small group of up to 6 learners
Group LearningThere is no group learningThere is group learning 
Co-founders teamThere is no co-founders team formationLearners will have a possibility to form/join a co-founders group for existing or new startup businesses
AssignmentsThere are only individual assignmentsThere are individual and group assignments to reinforce learning and apply in practice
CertificateNo certificate is providedA certificate of completion is provided after full completion of the Course
AlumniNo alumni status is offeredAlumni status is offered with related benefits
MentorshipNo mentorship is offered5 free mentorship sessions are offered to Alumni
Prizes and PerksNo prizes and perks are offeredPrizes and perks are offered to Alumni from program partners 
CommunityCan not join the alumni communityJoin the Alumni community and global network of LauncHER entrepreneurs

US$ 150 (for the value of program estimated at US$ 1,500)

Limited scholarships are available for participants from least developed and low income countries


  • Number of Modules
  • Duration, Start-End dates
  • Time Commitment
  • Mode of study
  • Interactions

  • Group Learning
  • Co-founders team

  • Assignments

  • Certificate
  • Alumni status
  • Mentorship
  • Prizes and Perks
  • Community

  • Cost


  • Any number
  • No specific start and end dates
  • 10-15 hours per module
  • Individually
  • Interactions with the whole cohort of 300 and with your group of up to 6 learners
  • Join or create your own group
  • Find potential co-founders and form your team
  • Individual and group assignments to reinforce learning
  • Certificate obtained upon completion
  • Alumni status obtained upon completion
  • 5 free mentorship sessions
  • Prizes and perks for all Alumni
  • Join the global network of LauncHER entrepreneurs
  • Free


  • All 10 modules are required
  • 10 weeks, specific start and end dates
  • 100 hours for the entire course
  • Part of a cohort of 300 learners
  • Interactions with the whole cohort of 300 and with your group of up to 6 learners
  • Join or create your own group
  • Find potential co-founders and form your team
  • Individual and group assignments to reinforce learning
  • Certificate obtained upon completion
  • Alumni status obtained upon completion
  • 5 free mentorship sessions
  • Prizes and perks for all Alumni
  • Join the global network of LauncHER entrepreneurs
  • US$ 150 One-time fee US$ 1,500 Scholarships are available